Dream in Arles, 2023

It’s been a joy and a privilege to be so involved in this great exhibition at Musée Réattu in Arles, France - from July 1st until October 1st 2023.

One of my photographs has been chosen for the official poster and invitation, as for the cover of the beautiful catalogue published by Maison CF.

I am endlessly grateful to Florence and Damien Bachelot, passionate collectors, for giving me the immense honor to be exhibited in good company (with some of my masters, who inspired me over the years), and for this reunion with the audience and this immense artist : dancer Nicolas Le Riche, on the opening night on July 1st.

A dream, indeed.

Book published by Maison CF

Nicolas le Riche and I on the opening night

Second room of the exhibition “portraits” at Musée Réattu

LeeAlexander McQueen - Cyanotype - in the chapel of Musée Réattu, Arles, FR

Ann ray & Damien Bachelot

On the departure, in Avignon SNCF station, FR.


Launching a new exhibition in 2020 - initially planned in May - on October 15th seemed like a miracle, honestly.

I am delighted, honored and grateful to Galerie Sabine Knust , and especially Matthias Kunz who wonderfully curated the show, for my new exhibition “Licence to dream” in Munich.

Please note that the exhibition has been extended until December 15th.

Visit, and enjoy !

Photographs :

McQueen collection

The Blind Faith project


Film : “Insensé”, 13 minutes.

Collages : worldwide premiere



Collages & Confinement.


J’ai l’impression que le confinement a accéléré un processus, personnel et créatif : celui d’être littéralement collée à moi-même, au plus près de ma vérité.

Il y avait beaucoup trop de cris silencieux à l’intérieur.

J’ai déconstruit, déchiré souvent, assemblé patiemment, écrit, collé. Et bien d’autres choses encore.

Je me suis perdue dans mes collages. Et trouvée, fatalement.

Il faut croire que j’étais en mille morceaux.

C’est vrai, parfois les croissants de lune sont en miettes.
On n’arrive plus à rêver.

Alors il faut tout recommencer.



What I Saw

During my last week-end in September at the Photography Festival in Arles, I realised ironically that I didn’t have any decent tracks - apart from my IPhone snapshots - of that exhibition “Les Inachevés - Lee McQueen.” So I took my camera on the day of closure, the 23rd of September, and spent some quiet moments there ; in a last & final observation, I tried & captured what I saw. What hopefully the visitors saw.
Voilà: 13 years of love, art, work, and 20 years of thoughts, feelings, fierce experience, grief & joy wrapped up in a 1mn version for Instagram & websites...

Merci : Sam Stourdzé, curator. Myriam Blundell, at ART CINEMA, curator & producer. Collection Bachelot, Olivier Massart & Patrizia Pilotti for their precious support.

Transmission in on its way : stay tuned. China first, and then… To be continued.